Wednesday, 4 November 2015

30DWC - Three Pet Peeves

Day 15 - Halfway! Three Pet Peeves

1. The inadequacy of internet provision in rural areas and the high cost of pre-paid internet. Seems to me that in this day and age where so much of life is reliant on good internet speed that governments could provide the infrastructure they promise and not do a half-assed job of it. In the meantime businesses hold less stock because people tend to shop online so much now and rural folk are the ones most affected by these inconveniences. So whilst there are so many advantages to living in the bush or far from the madding crowd, it would be really nice to have things sorted so they were a bit more affordable and a bit more reliable.

2. Litter. Come on people. You know that it makes the environment look ugly and that often the rubbish can cause real issues for wildlife - especially in the oceans and waterways. Pick up after yourselves. Take it home. Dispose of it thoughtfully and properly. Thank you. Please encourage others to do the same.

3. Mobile phones and the way people allow them to interfere with face to face communication. Yes, I've been guilty too. Please talk to the person you are with and attend to the phone call/message later. If they didn't leave a message it's not important. If they really need you they will call again. We are all on constant alert in case the phone ring, beeps or vibrates. Seriously, I think it has come to point where this is no longer enhancing life but is detracting from the pleasure of being where we are and truly in the presence of those we are with. Along with this is the habit of photographing everything that is going on. I was showing a young friend some photos of my two children when they were babies. I took quite a lot I thought. There were very few of the first days though because they were born at home and we were just busy with getting to know them. My young friend laughed and said she had about four and a half thousand pictures of her wee son who is just ten weeks old. Sometimes I wonder if we are actually missing something important because we are so busy taking photos. 

4. Which reminds me of how much I dislike 'selfies' taken in public bathroom mirrors. Please gals, a little dignity. That is all. 

I'm really only supposed to write three but number four jumped into my head at the last minute and I just had to say it!!!

Have a great day. Sun is shining here and I'm heading off soon on a minor adventure to do some grocery shopping and buy a ladder. Perhaps there will be some window washing done in the near future. Now there's a pet peeve...window washing...someone should design self-cleaning windows!


Kerry x

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